Friday, March 23, 2007

Dear Abby Letter of the Week

DEAR ABBY: I have a 4-year-old sister who drinks a lot of beer. My dad lets her drink it. What should I do? -- BIG SISTER IN SANTA MARIA, CALIF.

DEAR BIG SISTER: You appear to have more common sense than your father, who apparently does not realize that when children drink alcohol they can more easily become dependent upon it than adults. Because your father is not likely to stop if you tell him that giving liquor to a child is wrong, you should tell a trusted teacher at school what you have told me. The teacher can see to it that your father recognizes the error of his ways.

Poll: real, or fake? Las Latinas hope to Dios it's real, but only because we began drinking at about that age as well. And look how we turned out! Seriously, the kid probably just needs to relax after a long day. Glug glug!

The pic of Abby is obv. not current, but it's the one we grew up with, and the Dear Abby we trust!

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