Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Let It Be So

Rumors that Dana Delany is joining Desperate Housewives are almost too exciting for words.

See, Dana was apparently originally offered the role of Bree but passed; she's now starving and wanting an iPhone, so she's swallowing her pride and signing up. The show could not get any worse, so we predict a good season.

Besides, Dana starred in Pasadena, one of the gultiest pleasures ever on TV, and an obvious inspiration for both Housewives and Brothers & Sisters (starting with the cast). Dios, that was a great show. Diane Keaton was an exec producer. Suicide, pseudo-incest, and alcohol abuse were featured in every episode. Had it not aired two weeks after 9/11, it could've found an audience. As is, it's a cult hit that occasionally gets a marathon on the SOAP Network.

Meanwhile, this headline made us laugh.

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