Thursday, June 7, 2007

No es Bueno: Joey Lawrence


Now, Joey Lawrence was never hot. Not in our book. Flannel shirts wrapped around the waist and ewww-ish manes did not set our corazones aflutter. Plus, Angela Chase's Jared Leto was and always will be the master of that domain.

But Joey Lawrence was bearable. He had a nice bod, an arguably humble attitude, and an overall handsome appeal.

That era has ended.

Putting aside the egg-shaped head, we remain disgusted.

The sunglasses would be acceptable only if being used as water goggles to search for copies of Joey's recent film projects.

The shirt's gross pattern is somehow made worse by how it fits; if you're trying to squeeze a sausage into a condom, make sure the meat ain't pumped with steroids - oops, we meant antibiotics.

Unbuttoning said shirt to reveal a rosary leads you nowhere, as Dios never forgives The Bad Metrosexual Turned Samaritan. (Assuming this pic was taken at a charity event, which is debatable.)

Call us when your brother - the rather cute one from Boy Meets World - dumps that Dancing with the Stars slut.

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