Tuesday, July 17, 2007

No es Bueno: Val Kilmer


"Top Gun," "The Doors," "Heat," and "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang."

How did it come to this? Val looks like our one Republican uncle, he who banged the hell out of our aunt when she was babysitting his kids and cleaning the house he used to share with his (now) ex-wife.

This makes us a little sad, truthfully. Look at his face! He's embarrassed and resigned.

Upside: a Lou Pearlman movie is probably days away from being made and most of his former boyband clients are immediately available for filming. They're still casting the lead, and all Val needs is a little makeup and some glasses.

Maybe he's channeling Marlon Brando in "The Island of Dr. Moreau"?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, here is that website i was talking about where i made the extra cash.. later! i'm going to cali next week..check this out