Tuesday, May 22, 2007


The cops did not really pull Posh over just after she took her California driver's test! Right? Anyway, this is the hottest photo we've seen in months. Nobody but Posh gets so perfect a license picture. No wonder she wants to show it off for the cameras! Posh's reality show is going to be the greatest show of all time, and we're not kidding. So while we stand by our statement that our #1 goal is to join the Jolie-Pitt family, we have to admit that the Beckham family would be so insanely fun (not to mention hott) that we're almost tempted to put in an application with them as well.

That said, can we all agree that Posh's license is just so she has picture ID and not to actually drive? Posh hasn't driven a vehicle since about 1997 when she had to grab the wheel in Spiceworld before the SpiceBus careened out of control, sending Spice Girls flying everywhere. Actually, we're not sure if that actually happened in the movie, but it sounds like it probably did.

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