Thursday, May 17, 2007

We Can't Get Enough Of This Picture.

It's mesmerizing. And it's doing the trick! We know that Jerry Seinfeld wrote and voiced "BeeMovie," but....does the animated character actually have a Jerry Seinfeld face? A scary prospect, and yet we're inexplicably hopeful that it might be true. That said, we love Jerry but he married an evil version of Mrs. Ari and we don't respect that. In our imagination, Jerry actually married Julia Louis-Dreyfuss and by now they have made dozens of neurotic and hilariously world-weary little babies. Sigh.

1 comment:

cold4thestreets said...

I think the movie actually isn't animated. I think it's Seinfeld and others in bug costumes doing a send-up of those kinds of animated movies. Yeah, lame.