Tuesday, April 10, 2007

No es Bueno: Amanda Bynes

Uy, this is a painful moment in Our Lips Don't Lie history.

Caveat: we like Amanda Bynes. How can you not? She was in "She's the Man" and "What a Girl Wants," two cute (when the viewer indulges in nature's best, perhaps) movies that we turn to when our gang-ravaged souls need healing. Plus, Amanda knows Jennie Garth. For what that's worth. So that's what we like about her.


Turning 21 does not give you an excuse to unleash your eww hair, ack skin, and bizarro eyes upon the populace. One of Bynes's greatest claims to fame was her ability to peacefully deal with Nick Zano while looking real and healthy. Her sobriety. Her traditional use of a mirror.

Come back to us, Amanda.

P.S. What's the caloric content of the butter in that mediocre-looking cake? We venture to say the same as whichever you applied on your face for this special occasion.


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