Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Why Not

Adam Brody's new movie, In the Land of Women, opens this weekend, and Las Latinas will probably go see it. Don't act surprised. Here are some reasons why we're going to sit in the dark and stab a hole in your popcorn bag:

1. Meg Ryan is in this movie, and we sincerely hope this role marks the (final) death of her career. It would be awesome if she actually died in the movie, as well.

2. Baby Brody is too cute for English-language words. And Gilmore Girls, The OC, Thank You For Smoking, Undressed, and Once and Again? Nice resume, chico. This "film" could make Adam a big movie star a la Shia LaBabushka or whatevs, and we're giddy. Or is that tipsy at 11 a.m.?

3. What else are we going to do, watch "Matador Porn 5"? No gracias.

4. We need to hide - TEMPORARILY - from a lesbian gang from Nueva York while we plot our next move. Merge or annihilate? That is the question.



Anonymous said...

This post is so not funny.

Las Latinas said...

THIS post?? Clearly you're not a regular reader.

Verbal D said...

I want to go see it. Can I join?